Sunday, October 30, 2005

What me worry

I havnt updated in a few days. I have been staying up late like everynight to download jazz and movies and play computer games. Today I have alot of homework to do. I have to watch west side story for my online class and have to study for my goegraphy test. I also have to do an essay for my research class. Today the Engrav men were going to go down to Lewiston, Mn to go sight in our shotguns for deer hunting. Although now it is raining outside and we called three different relatives to see if it was raining in down there but no one answered. So we decided that we would go down later, maybe in a week or two. If we did go I wouldnt get back until like 6 or 7 at night. I would have been scrambling to get all the work done. Oh well it worked in my favor. Well off to listen to some online jazz and then at 11 its Prairie Home Companion with Garrison Keillor. WOOO-HOOO.

P.S. Rich if your reading this Happy Birthday. I know your in the big cat box, and only having near beer, But remember when you get back from Iraq were going to drop like $100 each on pints of Guinness at the Irish pubs.

1 comment:

Ferrari333SP said...

happy monkey says hi.