Monday, October 10, 2005

Well isn't that craptactular

Well My brother and I didn't go to the comic book convention. We really didn't get lost but couldn't find the street were to turn like mapquest said to. We instead went to Barnes and Noble instead. I bought a 50 movie mystery pack for $29, so that was pretty cool. So now mapquest is useless to me. I am watching movies for my online class which are taking up alot of my time. I am also working on my research stuff. I dont have a computer were I live so I have to do it at my parents house or at school. It's okay though but it does get a little hecktic trying to get everything done at once. That should change in about 2 weeks. I will be getting a laptop sometime in the future. So I will be able to get it done were I live. Well I have to get going to my math class. Let's hope I really dont fall asleep in class like all those other times. Wish me luck!!

John Engrav

P.S. HI CATHY!!!!!!! how do you like my blog?

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