Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Action Research

I am starting an action research project. Action reserch is were instead of looking at books or files on the computer I go out into society and interveiw people for data. The purpose of this assignment is for me to learn a new way of doing critical thinking and a different style of research. The experience I got out of this was a good one. I traditonally like doing research over the internet and through books. But doing something different is always good to do. I learned a new skill that I will use when I transfer to the UofM to become a teacher. This research was new to me but I followed through and "trucked on" if you will. All in all like I said above this wsa a good experience.
For this research project I am to interview a person that works for the city of Farmington, Minnesota. The main general question for this task is “Who in your opinion is in the greatest need in our community?” I interviewed Barb Thompson. She works for the Farmington Chamber of commerce. I asked her these questions to find out more of the veiws of other people. To get other people impressions on our small city.
I learned there is many different view points between individuals. I dont always have to agree with the person I am interviewing but I have to be open minded to what they are saying. When I did the interveiw, I wanted to learn what this person thinks about the disadvantaged people in our community. By doing this I believe I have opened my eyes by looking broader on the landscape. Not in black and white anymore.
I know Barb Thompson personally. Barb's son Rich Yaeger and I are best friends. He is currently serve in Iraq with the Army band. We both were in boy scouts and church group together. If I ask her one of my questions, and she has difficulty answering, I will try to generalize it more for her.
When I interviewed Barb I was expecting honest answers from her. And that was exactlywhat I got. She has work in the city of Farmington doing different jobs until getting this one for 15 years. Barb didn't have any bias that I could tell. She didn't speak as if they were low people. She gave me her opinions truthfully to her knowledge. When she answered my questions there was no racisim or classism in her responses. She merely stated on why they might have left their country and what they are trying to do in ours.
I have converted her interview into a concept map. I will attach it to my blog here as soon as I learn how. Doing this research project has waken me up I would say. Doing a action research project like this was a different experience for me. Back in high school when we did research projects it would be usually on something we would have to go to the library for or the internet. Here I had to go around town and ask some one who works for the city “Who is in need?”.
Here is the questions and the answers in the interveiw given to Barb Thompson"

John Engrav: Who in your mind, comprise the needy and the underpriviledged in our community?
Barb Thompson: I think that most of the needy are the migrant workers, and immigrants that come to our city looking for work.

JE: In your view , what do you think were some of the contributing factors for there situation?
BT: Most of the immigrants that are in our city are from Mexice. So I think that most likely that the reason for them leaving and coming here is because of low paying jobs or even not even any jobs.

JE: Where in our community do you think most of the people of lower income reside? Do you think there is even a specific place?
BT: I think if they have family that has previously moved here they stayy with them. The probably stay in a low income type of home i.e. apartments or trailor homes.

JE: When in their lives do you think they got into their situation?Why?
BT: probably the reason they moved. They were born into poverty and wanted a better life then what they had and for their families.
I think this was worthwhile to do. I got a lot out of it.

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