Monday, November 21, 2005

Newcastle Brown Ale

So another weekend of deer hunting is over with. Thank god. There are guys in our hunting party that do this all week. They love this stuff. I take my hat off to them because I know I couldnt do it. I got a deer, and my brother got a deer. I came back and I was so tired. This morning I woke up at 7 a.m., for what reason I dont know. I guys its my internal alrm clock. I usually wake up at that time for school. Speaking of school, I decided to skip my geography class today pon account I was so tired from deer hunting. I had my math class at 11 so I left for school at 10:15. I came home and had some food and took a nap for and hour and 45 minutes. Tonight I made a beer run because we were out at my place. I got a 24 pack of budweiser, and a single bottle of Newcastle Brown Ale. I thought the newcasle tasted like water. It didnt have the beer taste that I thought it would. Not that I hated it or anything, but I dont think i would buy it again. Well I have tomorrow off from school and work. So I am going to do laundry and clean my room some more. never ending job. Later y'all

John Engrav

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