Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Where's my molotov?

I just got done with my math test..... I FUCKING hate this class. First I had trouble with a question that had three sub-parts, so I had to skip ahead.So I continued with the test. Then later he said that we had only 5 minutes left in the class. So I got up and asked him "if we don't finish can we go to the math center and finish up?" he said flat out with no thought "No". So I am scrambling to get every single question done before our time is up and the last one I totally got wrong, but I had to at least try it and maybe get partial credit. The one I skipped I didn't even get to. So for sure I am going to fail the class. I am so sick of it. My math class last semester, if we didnt get done, the teacher would let us finish in the math center. So I am not going to be able to graduate next semester unless I also take my math class over again. What choice do I have? none thats the answer. My dad is going to flip when he hears about this. Oh did I mention it's to late to withdraw? well it is! So my only hope is to do well on the take home portion and the final exam. Im going to go pump some iron. That will get all my hate out for a little while. I feel I want to go punch the wall a couple times. later

John Engrav

1 comment:

Ferrari333SP said...

Well you can study so friggin' hard that you totally ace the final stuff. Stay back if you don't work and ask how to do some of them. Nothing else you can do.