Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Lets hope 2006 is better than 2005

Well I hope you all had a good christmas. I had a alright one. Christmas eve we went my cousins house in winona. There I got some candy from one of my aunts and three boxes of shells from my dad. Yep, shot gun shells, The only time I use them is when I go deer hunting. I only used like 1 box this year and had 4 left over, so now I have 7 boxes. Well its the thought that counts. I had some bad beer, and some home made hooch. It was alright my aunt's going to e-mail me the recipe. Then on Christmas day my family and I went to my Aunts hoouse on my mom's side. It was fun, I got to talk to my cousin that I only really get to talk to when we have family events. My grandma decided when we were going to open presents. Which wouldnt have been so bad, except on the way she decided to do it. She decided that we were going to do it by families. Well My family didn't get to open presents until like an hour and 45 minutes after presents started to be opened. I really dont care when we open presents, but we had to sit there and watch everybody open theres. I kind of feel guilty opening presents in front of people and having them watch you. My Aunt didn't want my family to bring any of our presents from home, beliving that there wasnt any room. So my family didnt open our presents until like 10:45 p.m. on christmas day. Oh well I dont really care I got pretty much all the stuff I wanted.
This year sure had its ups and downs. It started out kind of crappy, but finished on an alright note. I found out what my other class grade was. I got an A. So my semester GPA is 3.3 and my cumalitive is 2.82. One more semester at Inver and then I am done with tha place, then it s off to the UofM. All I can do is try to do my best and have a positive outlook on what I do and the year should be alright. Alright people I have to go clean my room, talk to you all later.

John Engrav

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