Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I got bored at school

So I saw this on Rachel's blog.I thought I would give it a try:

1. My uncle more than once: Taken me hunting.

2. Never in my life have I: done drugs. wow really?

3. The one person who can drive me nuts: my brother tom. Arrgh.

4. College is: half way done with the semester, Woo-hoo!

5. When I'm nervous: I think either about the Boston Red Sox or about tanks.

6. The last time I cried was: When I got hit in the nads by my brother tom playing paintball.I got him back though

7. If I were to get married right now my bridesmaids/groomsmen would be: My brothers, my ex-roomate, and my best friend Rich Yaeger (If he could get leave from the army)

8. My hair: Is long not as long as a hippie, but getting there. I need to get a crew cut.

9. When I was 5: I was in Kindergarten.

10. Last Christmas: I got loaded at the party.

11. When I turn my head left, I see: people looking at their school work

12. When I turn my head right: same thing (Im in the school library)

13. When I look down I see: My shit kicker books (Catapillar boots represent!)

14. The craziest recent event was: I went for a pint after school at like 2:30 in the afternoon (I know lame)

15. If I was a character on Scrubs I'd be: Dr. Cox

16. By this time next year: Still in school Arrgh!

17. My favorite Aunt is: Laurie (on my mom's side) or Lynn (on my dad's side).

18. I have a hard time understanding: people who are intentionally and knowingly cruel to others.

19. One time at a family gathering: I butchered deer with my cousins and uncles.

20. You know I like you if: I tell you?

21. If I won an award, the first person(people) I'd thank: My parents.

22. Take my advice: Life's tough, get a helmet.

23. My ideal breakfast is: pancakes and scrambled eggs

24. If you visit my hometown: A new McDonalds. Hey come on it's our first one in Farmington!

25. Where do you plan to visit anytime soon: Winona,Mn to see my uncle. First the Bar, then the next day tailgate, drink, and football.

26. If you spend the night at my house: You would probably want to stay in a hotel.

27. The world could do without: Mean people

28. I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: Go to class

29. Most recent thing you've bought yourself? The 2004 Boston Red Sox World series 12 Dvd set. With all 7 ALCS games and the 3 World series games and loads of other stuff

30. Most recent thing someone else bought for you: My mom bought me breakfest this morning
31. My favorite blonde friend is: Kelsey from work.

32. My favorite brunette / black hair friend is: Dawn

33. The last time I was high: never been.

34. The animals I would like to see flying besides birds are: cows. Just think of squadrons of cows. Wow.

35. I should have been: Born on the 4th of July.

36. Once, at a restaurant: I got a free beer

37. Last night: at Farmingtons close victory over Rochester football game

38. A better name for myself would be: Duke.

39. If I ever go back to school: wont be for a while after I graduate if I can help it.

40. My birthday: is smack dab in the middle of the year, June 30th.

41. And by the way: I'm still bored at school

1 comment:

dawnmarie said...

where in Farmington do you live? I can't remember.