Friday, September 15, 2006

My dads sick

My dad was complaining of stomach pain last weekend. He thought it was from some hot dogs he had eaten from kwik trip (and rightly so) but then it got continually worse. So on tuesday he went to ridges emergency room. The doc said he had a kidney stone. He also said that there was 3 stages of size 1-3, 4-6, 7-10. My dad had a 7. So today he is having surgery to get the kidney stone out. Heck right about now (10:38 a.m.) he should be having the surgery. My dad is never a fan of surgery. Last night before I went to sleep he told me that all the life insurence and all the finances and stuff are on his desk in case something is wrong. Then a little before that I was downstairs and my mom was pissed of at my grandpa for not letting her know until a couple of hours before that they were not in fact staying at my parnts camping trailor. My parents couldn't go anyways because my dad's surgery. But she said that ever since she came how from her trip last year she has been taking care of sick people whether it be her parents or other relatives, giving advice, and most recently my dad. She said that my dad was filling her in about everything. I told her that my dad wasn't very knowledgable about medical stuff and that he was scared as well. But she just kept on going on how going up to the trailer is like a stress reliever to her. I told her that I dont even have that. Then I got tired of listening to her and went to sleep. So to recap the week: It just plainly sucked. And probably will until the end of may comes next year for summer vacation. well I am going to go study some more. Bloody hell

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