Monday, June 19, 2006

Got to keep looking

Well she actually called. She told me that she had lost her phone. She told me that she wasn't playing the game were you see the message and hit delete. Well at least she didnt do that. But I got the notion she only wanted to be friends, because she told me that she didn't want me to spend alot of money on dinner. She also told me that she only wanted to hang out. Oh did I tell you that she is moving to an apartment up in Duluth to go to UMD at the end of the summer? God I hate that city. I have nothing but bad experiences up there. It's been a long time since I actually asked a girl out or even went on a date. And now finally when I do, she's going up there to go to school. What are the fucking chances of that? This really sucks, cause I kind of like this girl. She said she wants to do something on friday, I guess thats cool. Whatever. Im tired, goodnight.

1 comment:

dawnmarie said...

you're young. there's plenty of time to keep looking.

in the meantime, i say go.