Friday, May 26, 2006

I am so bored

YesterdayI went to work on my day off. We got a new barge for the childrens area. Diana wanted me to come in at 0830 to be there for the movers. Well I got there at 0815 and they showed up when I did. So we got it in the store in pieces and Raulie and I put it together in about 4 hours. when we were working on it sometimes we would realize that we had to screw in a bolt before, so we had to take some parts down and redo them. My family is up north this weekend at their camping trailor in Two Harbors. I am down here looking after their house. I have to work this weekend so I cant go with them. It sucks. I have nothing to do. But I have a whole bunch of movies to watch and books to read. Later


dawnmarie said...

I miss Diana! I wanna work!

Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.