Saturday, February 24, 2007

Oh Ellin What can I do?

I have that song stuck in my head. It's by a band called Gob. Okay I joined up with Dawn's fantasy baseball league. I hope I get the players on my list I came up with. Today I was supposed to go to my uncle's house in Lewiston Minnesota, but since the weather is so crappy out I'll be staying home. So today I have to do some reading for school. I think I might try to go to Half-price books today since I have a 15% coupon. That's it for me today, pretty laid back.

1 comment:

dawnmarie said...

you do know we have a "live draft" right? It's Saturday the 24th of March at 11. If you can't do it, you have to aut-draft your team, come up with rankings and stuff. Just sayin.

Let me know if you need help.

Email me your list of players. I'll tell you the odds of getting them with this group.