Wednesday, January 24, 2007


I havn't posted on this in the longest time. We had to put one of my dogs to sleep like 2 weeks ago. I really didn't feel like blogging or anything. He was 16 so he had a long life. We all kind of knew he was going to go. But even still we all didn't want it to come.

School has started. I am kicking total ass in my American Civil War class. German and my Hitler Europe class are going to take a lot of work this semster. My brother wanted to know if I wanted to go to Brit's pub tonight, but I can't because I have alot of reading to do along with a reading guide for my 20th cent. U.S. history class. I also have a quiz in German tomorrow, and I cant really remember how to put a sentance together. So I guess i'll tell him I cant go. We can go probably next week. During the winter Brit's have evey wednesday night for a month, a movie night. They have drink specials and the movie is free, so it's fun to go to.

I really don't want to go to school anymore. Anyone that knows me, knows how much I don't want to go to school. I think if I make it to spring break I will be fine. Then I think it's just 6-8 weeks until summer.

Work has been alright lately. Nothing big has/is happening there. There has been a rumor that our store is supposed to close when our lease is up this fall. No one has said anything from corporate at all. I dont think they would until probably a couple weeks until we actually close. Then I guess I cross over to the dark side: Barnes and Noble. Hey Dawn do I get ninja jedi skills when I cross over? okay I really have to go cram in some reading before my class later all.

P.S. I promise I will try to blog more than I have before!!

1 comment:

dawnmarie said...

i wanna cross over too if everyone else is!