Wednesday, March 15, 2006

A ghost like substance

I woke up thi morning and decided to make some coffee and work on my biology class stuff. Well about 20 minutes into studying liz wakes up and lets the dog out and came up stairs. I was at the kitchen table studying. I said good morning and then she mumbled something, I saw earlier that they had got a new cappichino maker. I told her that I saw that they got one and it looks nice and then she mumbled something about it being broken. I thought well ok I think I will go back to studying. Well the whole time she was there she talked to her cats and dogs and fiddled around the place. Not once did she act like I was there. Not that there wasn't anything wrong with that. I really didn't want to talk to her, but I was trying to be nice. Oh well, screw it. I really dont spend much time over at my place anyways I am either working or out with friends or my parents want me over. If I am home I am in my room listening to my records or studying.
Today in my Holocaust films class we had a speaking of an old little woman that was a polish jew but had gained fake papers to pass her off as a catholic. Her and her sister traveled to a town called Regensburg or something in southern Bavaria in Germany and got work working in a high class hotel untill the end of the war. She had also wrote a book called "Hiding in the Open". Her name is Sabina S. Zimering. I bought a copy and it is really good so far. I suggest anyone read it and learn about a survivor of the holocaust. The ISBN# is 0878391711. It truly is really good.
The class is a really good one. I can stand blood and gore. I deer hunt and butcher my own deer. But the stuff in some of the movies is just down right horrid. The worst part is, is that all of these happened for real. 2 weeks ago we watched the movie "Escape from Sobibor" It's about one of the only mass break outs of a concentration camp. Out of 600 that fled 300 wear mowed down from mg42's (machine guns with a high rate of fire) in the gaurd towers. And of the 300 left like only 17 or 20 made it to saftey, all the rest were re-captured. What really bothered me about this movie was one scene. It started out as the trains got to the camp and the men and women seperated into 2 lines. Then the nazi fucks asked people if they had any special abilities. One young man stood out and said that he was a goldsmith, and showed him his tools. Then he mad sure that his littler brother stood out as well stating that he was a goldsmith, and he was. Then the older teenager asked nazi fuck if he could had his father come with. The father had his arms around his two sons and look hopeful. Well the godamn nazi said no and that for the fathe rto get back into line. Then the line of the women moved down a road. Then the line for the men moved down the road. The father was next to the last in line. As he was walking away towards the gas chambers (unknowingly to everyone except the fucking nazi's) he turned to his boys and shook his fist not that high in the air, like showing to keep tough. Then the man walked past the bend in the road.
The older boy kinda looked like me and the younger boy looked like my borther mike. The father character looked exactly like my dad. As soon as I saw that I immediatly got choked up and had trouble breathing. If something happened like that to my family I wouldn't be able to handle it. After that class it took me like 2 hours to calm down. It was just that guy who looked like my dad, that drove me over the edge. I am still glad I am taking the class. I am truly learning alot more of the Holocaust then what I knew before. It's really sorry to see that we really havn't learned from past mistakes. In the Darfur region of the Sudan, genocide is occuring as of right now. The world is aware of it, alot of the news media has covered it, but no one has stepped in and tried to stop it. Later folks.

John Engrav


dawnmarie said...

dude! how did you find me?? yay for john!

dawnmarie said...

hey, I'll also throw a link up to you. you don't have to approve this comment, i'm just letting you know.

word verification and comment moderation, yuou're secure anyway...