Sunday, February 26, 2006

Day of Days

Well yesterday was kind of a long one. It all started out when my roomates and I went grocery shopping. We got like $200 dollars worth of food. So that was cool you know?, after 5 weeks of scrounging with no food we finally have something else besides mac and cheese and ramen noodles. I would have bought some food for me If I had any, but going to college kinds drains most of my funds away. So then after I get home and get done bringing the groceries in. I go to my room and see if one of my brothers are on. Well it looks like my brother was traing to talk to me, cause he ask if I was there(I wasnt I was grocery shooping, then I replied that I was back and asked what had he wanted? he told me that the paramedics were over at my parents house and so were the sherrifs. The only reason the sherrifs would be at my house I though unless someone had died. So I immediatly thought of the worst. But mike told me that everything was fine now and that the medics got her stablized and that they were going to take her to the hospital in Burnsville. So she stayed there for around 5 hours and passed out once. That was kinda scary. But she pulled through, they think it was a severe case of the flu. She was vomiting and had diareha before all this was happening so she was severely dehydrated as well. She takes these migraine pills that also acts like diet pills, so she hasnt been eating alot lately also. So toda she is having an Atkins meal. Steak with a little bacon wrapped around, red russet potatoes and some greens. She is also only resting today, no work, no nothing. As for homework I have to get 10 sources for my biology of woman class (were doing power point presentations on different women issues, mine is Anorexia Nervosa) So that I dont think will take too much time maybe 2 - 2 1/2 hours. Well later

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Easy day

Today was a pretty easy day. I went to my stupid Chemistry lab for 3 hours. The lab was simple but just took way too much time. I went to work after that. I worked with Becca tonight. She's so much fun, we talked for like half an hour before we got to our jobs that we had to get done for the night. Near the end of the night we were talking about different beers we've had before and then she said "Hmm I could go for a beer after work, want to come with me?" I said I would but I only had like 5 dollars to my name so I would have some water. She said she would get me one. We went to Apple Bee's in the mall. They still have the $1 taps. So we talked for a while and thenI went home. She's a really cool person to work with. I really would not hesitate to ask her out, unfortunetly though she has a bofriend. But being her friend is just as cool. Tomorrow after class, I have to pick up this really cool writing desk that my mom bought at the Bombay Company in the Suthdale mall. Then its over to my buddies house for supper with his family and girlfriend. Later

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Week Of Tests

Well my buddy Rich is home from the army for 2 weeks. This is so cool, cause the last time I saw him was early june of last year. Tomorrow we are going to go up to brits and then to the local. There I am going to buy him a shot of 18yr jameson Irish whiskey. We should have a really good time. This saturday he is having a party and there is going to be so much booze, its going to be really fun. Then on Sunday We are going to get our tattoo's. This week is really hecktic too. Today in chemistry, I had a lab quiz that took and hour and a half. I realized half way through I was doing it wrong and had to start over. Then we had to do this demo in front of the prof. of showing how to get the best frlame from a bunson burner. I know for a fact I crapped that up. Then tomorrow I have a quiz in in chem and then on friday I have our 1st. exam in the same class. Then on top of that I have a biology quiz and I still have to do 2 lectures and post a note on the discussion board. Thank god that is an online course, but still with working 3 days and spending most of my off time with rich I dont know how I will get all of the studying done and the accomping test and homework. Oh well I guess I will just have to take my time and do things ine at a time. Later