Thursday, November 09, 2006

A Pretty Good Joke

A man sold a religious horse. He explained to the buyer that since it was a religious horse, you had to say "Amen" to make the horse stop and say "Praise the Lord" to make the horse go.The buyer got on the horse and said "Praise the Lord" and the horse started trotting. "Praise the Lord" he said again and the horse began galloping. "Praise the Lord" a third time and the horse ran even faster. Suddenly, just up ahead was a cliff — "Whoa! Stop!" The rider yelled, but the horse kept running. "Amen!" he finally remembered. The horse stopped right at the edge of the cliff. The buyer took off his hat, wipped his brow, and said, "Praise the Lord!"

1 comment:

dawnmarie said...

Hey, do I work this Friday? I thought I did, but now I'm not so sure.