Wednesday, December 06, 2006

My 100th Post.

Finals begin next week. And school has been a HUGE blur the entire semester. Half the time I am in a daze while at a lecture. I even notice people in my classes are either zoning out or sleeping. Today in my 20th century Europe class I zoned out. Now I don't mean like regular zoning out, I mean the type where you literally blank and look at the clock an all of a sudden 15 minutes have gone by. This has been happening a lot. I guess it's basically about finals and all the work that's going into them. Tomorrow I work with poncho, and I work with her again on Saturday morning so that'll be fun. Then on Sunday I get to work with Dawn finally. I think she started back at our store like a month ago, and I havn't got to work with her yet. Well let's all hope I can stay awake for my classes tomorrow. Later

1 comment:

dawnmarie said...

Every time I have worked, I've worked with Diana. I think i closed with Raulie once.

Yay for Sunday!