Thursday, January 17, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Where was I?
I know I know I know. If I didn't want to blog anymore I should have just closed it down. All I really want to do though was take an extended vacation from blogging. A lot of things have changed since I last posted:
1. I quit working at the gas station the first week of September. I was really getting tired of working 14-15 hour days a couple times a week. Plus working in a gas station wasn't always the fun job to be at.
2. I moved into an apartment in Minneapolis on Portland Ave. Let me tell you it ain't that pretty here. Back in October there was a murder a block away. So I decided that at the end of my 6 month lease I was going to move out. Luckly I am moving in about a month and a half. I have a apartment tour for tomorrow that looks pretty nice on the outside and the area is a whole hellava lot safer than where I am now. It's located maybe a couple hundred yards away from my girlfriend Lindsey.
3. Speaking of my girlfriend, I'm still with her and couldn't be more happy.
4. I transfered to another bookstore. I am now at the Barnes and Noble in Har Mar mall in Roseville. My old bookstore was closing and I got a call stating that the B&N in Roseville was interested in hiring me. I felt bad about taking the job because nobody else had found another place yet and I was the first to leave. It was really a split decision. I either could take the job or not and wait to see if another B&N would hire me. Last Friday I went out to Romano's Macaroni Grille with the B. Dalton group for one last hurrah. It was perfect. I talked to a whole bunch of my co-workers for almost 3 hours and I was one of the few that stayed until the end of the party. I am really saddened that B. Dalton is closed and probably wont see many of my friends who I consider my second family again. It truly is an end of an era.
5. I start school in about a week. This last fall my grades kind of sucked it up. So this spring I am taking 2 classes that I actually want to take. I am taking: intro to fiction writing, and American Military History (the ones I want to take), German 1004, and Race Nation and Genocides (Last two I really dont want to take). So we'll see how this semester goes.
Ok peeps. I hope this post some how makes up for the craptacular up keeping I have done to my blog here. I will try my best in updating more frequently.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Another Poem
Tomorrow will be a good day
Saturday, June 30, 2007
I'm 23

Lindsey and I are going to the drive-in theather in Lake Elmo to catch a flick. I dont know when the movie start, or which ones play in order. But whatever the case will be I'm sure it'll be a pretty fun birthday. Ok I have to go take a shower shave and some laundry before I head out. Later.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
I passed

Above is a picture of my girlfriend^I feel like I have been running around non-stop for the last month. Not that's been all a bad thing. I have ben spending a lot of time with my girlfriend Lindsey. She's such a great, sweet girl that I care for a lot. I took her out to Maggiano's last Tuesday and after that we went to Lake Calhoun to watch the sun set. Although by the time we got there the sun was below the trees we still enjoyed ourselves. Then this last Thursday I went to her Aunt Cindy's house for dinner of chicken and strawberry shortcake. It was absolutely delicious. We then played with her 6 year old cousin Cade (Boy does that kid have energy!!). After that we watched the movie Cars. So Now I want to go on a road trip on Route 66. Funny how a movie can make a person want to do something like that. Later that night after Aunt Cindy's place Lindsey called her about work over the next couple of days and I guess they talked about me. After Lindsey got off the phone she came in with a big smile on her face and say's "Aunt Cindy approves". I told her that's great to her, and it is.
So all I have to do is finish the weekend off with work then Kwik trip on Monday and Wednesday, and the bookstore on Tuesday, then I have the next 4 days off from both jobs. Next Saturday is my 23rd birthday and I have no idea what im doing for that. So now I have to plug this back in and get back out on the bookstore floor. Later.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
The thing about working double shifts
Is that they suck total ass. 11 hours yesterday between the 2 jobs. 12 hours today between the 2 jobs, and only 8 hours tomorrow at Kwik Trip. So I guess that's around 31 hours in what 3 days? something like that. But tomorrow my girlfriend and I are going to her friends house and watching Office Space and eating some Mexican food. Then on Thursday we're going to go see Knocked Up. She's seen it before and said it was hilarious. Ok I have to leave for work. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
My life has improved
A lot of changes has been made since I last posted here. For the most part they all have been for the better. I got done with finals, which made me happy initially. I am also now dating a girl from my german class. Her name is Lindsey, and she's from Wisconsin. She is such a smart, amazing, person. Most of all, she is more beautiful then a morning sunrise. She makes me happy.
I have also started a second job. There was nothing wrong with my bookstore job, its just that I am not getting enough hours there. My second job is being a co-worker for Kwik Trip gas station. I pretty much expected to do everything that there is in the store to so. I ring the registers, cook some of the food, and clean. Oh man listen everybody, If you want to go to the cleanest gas station in Minnesota, go to a Kwik Trip. They are so tight on cleaning.
One of my buddies that was over in Iraq is home now for his 2 week leave. We went out last night to Applebee's to BS and drink. It was great.
Thats all for now, I'll try my best to be a better updater. I has so much going on in the last month, it just wasnt possible to sit down and write something until now. Later.